Professor Limin Qiu Is Elected As Vice-Chairman of Liquefaction and Separation of Gases Commission of International Institute of Refrigeration (A2) Once Again

According to the recent International Institute of

According to the recent International Institute of Refrigeration(IIR),Prof Qiu is once again elected as the vice-chairman of A2 in Internation Refrigeration Conference, and the term is 4 years.
International Institute of Refrigeration was founded in 1908, which was an international institute between governments .It includes more than 60 member countries, covering eighty percent of world population. China joined the organization in 1978.With the development of national economic and industry of refrigeration, Chinese researchers play much more important roles in the institute and is also paid more attention upon other member countries. Professor Qiu was elected as vice chairman in 2008, and the recent election fully demonstrates his great contribution to international refrigeration industry.