Professor Luo Zhongyang attended the tenth anniversary celebration of U.S.-China Fossil Energy Protocol

The tenth anniversary celebration of U.S.-China Fo

The tenth anniversary celebration of U.S.-China Fossil Energy Protocol was held from August 24 to 26 in San Francisco, US. As the only representative of Chinese universities, Luo Zhongyang, who is distinguished professor of Changjiang, 973 chief scientist and Dean of Energy Technology Department of Zhejiang University, attended and addressed the meeting, proposing the detailed the plan for the future.

The U.S.-China Fossil Energy Protocol, approved by State Council and China MOST and US DOE signed by in 2000, is a framework agreement, involving power systems, petroleum and natural gas, energy and environmental pollution and climate science. Du Zhanyuan, vice minister of China MOST lead a delegation to attend the meeting. The delegation was made up of 45 Chinese representatives from government, embassy of China in Washington, corporations, universities and research institutions. About 100 representatives from American government, corporations, universities and research institutions attended the meeting, lead by the Assistant of Vice Minister of US DOE.

The conference summarized achievements and issues of the ten years after U.S.-China Fossil Energy Protocol was signed, and discussed the plans for the coming five years. It is decided in the conference that after Zhejiang University undertook the first and second CO2 Control Conference successfully, it will continue to undertake the third U.S.-China CO2 Control Conference in Hangzhou.